5 Mart 2023 Pazar


Programme of Small-scale partnerships in school education of the Erasmus+ Project

From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage

European number: 2021-Round 2-KA210-SCH-0A1738D9



On the 26th of October, 2022, the "CELEBRATION OF EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE DAY" took place at I.C. B. Croce ‘School in Paglieta- Torino di Sangro in Italy with the participants from the three countries preparing their stands with tangible and intangible products from Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey.

The event addresses both tangible and intangible aspects of heritage and aims to specifically highlight and promote the continuity of traditions and skills, historic places and buildings and how they can be used and preserved.

On the cultural heritage day, the stands displayed: photos of archaeological sites and museum exhibits, historical buildings, folk songs, dances and musical instruments, folk costumes, customs, traditional foods, interesting games etc.

This is how common European values were reflected, we learned about the rich culture of other countries. Students were given the opportunity to think about and share the cultural heritage they consider important and to interpret it through visual arts.

Let us remember that each of us, both alone and with others, has the right to enjoy our cultural heritage. At the same time, we must respect each other's cultural heritage and treat each other with respect.

The participants from BG showed the need to revive and popularize traditional songs and folk songs, Bulgarian traditions and customs.

With the Italian participants, we traveled back in time and transported ourselves from today's city to the past cultural and social milieu of Italy.

We got acquainted with the work of the local master craftsmen.

Culinary events are another type of activity that the participants from Turkey introduced us to. We learned about traditional Turkish toys, games and stories, passed down in childhood from generation to generation - from grandparents to parents and then to their children.

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  Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage...