10 Mayıs 2024 Cuma



Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project

From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage

European number: 2021-Round 2-KA210-SCH-0A1738D9

Our last meeting in Turkiye took part from 23rd to 27th of October in 2023 with the participation of Instituto Comprensivo “B.Croce” from Paglieta, Italy and “$t.St. Cyril and Methodius Primary School from Razlog, Bulgaria. As the host country Turkiye welcomed the students and the teachers in their school named TEV Abdullah Nezahat Erboz Primary School in İstanbul.

On the first day of the LTT activities Turkish students presented a folk dance show for the guests in order to show a big part of our culture. We have 7 regions in our country and all the regions have their own different folk dance figures. These folk dances are so important for us that we provide most of the students to learn them as the young generation and transfer it to the future generations.

On the second day of our meeting we experienced “flatbread” making with our guests in order to introduce some examples of Turkish cuisine and make the other cultures to taste them. Beside this all the guests tried Turkish coffee as a new taste and learned how to make it.

On the third day we had some visits to our historical places. In İstanbul there are lots of historical places from the Ottoman time. These historical ruins bear traces from both the Ottoman and the Roman Empire perion. This has enabled cultures to interact with each other throughout history. By visiting these special places again we learn about the rich culture of all the countries and everybody has the chance to share the cultural heritages that they consider as important. On the next day of the activities we visited the similar other historical and cultural places and tasted some other cultural dishes. Our guests experienced the picturesque  scenes of İstanbul Bosphorus on a boat trip from one side to another.

On the last day of the activities we celebrated the Cultural Heritage Day. 29th of October is the day of Republic in Turkey. Everyday on this date we celebrate it as one of our national day. Our great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founded the Turkish Republic on that day in 1923. It is a national holiday celebrated every year on October 29, in memory of the Turkish Grand National Assembly declaring the Republic administration on October 29, 1923. 

As a conclusion, with all these activities we would be maintained the intangible cultural heritage alive and inherited them to the future generations. Sharing makes something bigger and bigger so what we have shared until now will be with all in our minds and in our lives. 



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  Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage...