21 Haziran 2023 Çarşamba


Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”

The Programme

31.05.2023 - Sema Ceremony (TURKEY)

01.06.2023 - Education Information Network-EBA in English and Social Studies (TURKEY)

05.06.2023 - Tom's Adventures in an e-book (BULGARIA)

In first day of our online meeting Turkey team informed us about Sema Ceremony in their culture. 


Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Sema Ceremony comes from the Islamic scholar, thinker, poet and sufi called Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. He is the universal symbol of tolerance and peace. He was born in Belh, Afghanistan but died in Konya, Turkey. He lived in the 13th century and has become a worldwide influencer. Throughout his 66 years of life, he has been able to touch everyone, from Muslim to non-Muslim, and embrace everyone no matter who they are. His works have been translated into dozens of languages.The sema tradition he left behind has been included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008.

This ceremony carries mystical symbols. They whirl around during the ceremony because the basic condition of existence is to whirl. Everything in the universe survives with this rotation. Electrons, stars, planets, blood in the body, life on earth, everything revolves in a harmony.

Sema ritual has been performed for 8 centuries. It tells about the formation of the universe and the resurrection of man in the realm. Sema means listening. Sema is to whirl around your heart from right to left while listening to the sound of the universe. Mevlana made this move with the thought of reaching Allah. The whirling dervish takes off his black cardigan during the ritual and is born into the truth. While dervish whirling his right hand looks to the sky and the other looks to the earth. It symbolizes taking from the God and sharing it with people.  He takes action with the love of Allah. He realizes his servitude and turns towards the perfect human being. 

Sema ritual consists of 4 parts. These represent the 4 stages the traveler will go through.

1) Realizing one's own servitude

2) Admiration for the greatness of Allah

3) Admiration turns into love

4) To turn into the purpose of creation, into servitude. (The highest level is servitude)

                                               Clothes and Their Meanings

Sikke: It is a kind of tall felt hat. It symbolizes the tombstone and unity of the soul.

Tennure: It is a wide-skirted garment and symbolizes purity and the shroud of the soul.

Black cardigan: It symbolizes the soul and the grave.

Here are some pictures from the online meetings.


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  Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage...