4 Mart 2023 Cumartesi



Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage”

The Programme

In virtual LTTA2 activities we had online meetings for four days with the participating of the teachers and the students. On 27th of February we had our first meeting and the subject was starting to a story of Tim’s Adventures in Italy. This was the duty of the Italian team. In our visit to Italy for our first meeting we had had many adventures while doing our activities and visiting cultural sites.Tim represented our adventures’ first part. It was a very enjoyable story for all the participants on the meeting and will be continued after our next visit to Bulgaria.


On the second day of the meeting Turkey team had the duty of writing an article about The Caves of Stiffe. The article was read by the participants from Turkey and it was shared with the other partners. On the 5th day of our meeting in Italy we had visited this cave and from the entrance of the cave to the end it was impressive for all the particpants. 

On the third day of the meeting both Turkey and Bulgaria had the duty of writing articles about the places which had been visited during the first horizontal meeting in Italy.  First of all Bulgaria team shared their article about Celebration of European Cultural Heritage. With the help of this article we had the opportunity to remember The Celebration of European Cultural day took place in Italian school Instituto Comprensivo “B. Croce”. On this day we shared our cultural heritage and enjoyed by doing that. We displayed our stands full of the materials from each countries.We played games and watched traditional folk dances. We shared our traditional foods, costumes and other similar things. Every group presented their culture to the others. 

             Afterwards Turkey team gave some information about the village Aielli. Visiting this fascinating village was like a surprise for all of us because during our sightseeing around the village we tried to find wall paintings with a map in our hands. This made us feel playing an orienteering game. It is an interesting village full of wall paintings completed by different artists. Each painting has a symbol and meaning in itself. In this village we also visited the Astronomical Observatory tower called Torre Delle Stelle. On the last day of our meeting Bulgaria team made the presentation of their article about Procida Island. Procida is the Italian Capital of Culture 2022. To go this island we took a ferry from Naples. Using the narrow roads we climbed to the top and watches the very beautiful view of the island. The houses in this island have different colours because in the past the fishermen could find their house from its colour. When fishermen look at the shore they can point to where their home is. 
The articles can be read on our next publications of our blog page. Here are the other pictures from our meeting...

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  Programme of Small-scale partnership in school education of the Erasmus+ Project From İntangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage...