5 Mart 2023 Pazar






            On 27th of October we had a cultural trip to The Caves of Stiffe in Stiffe in Italy as one of the activities of our project and we had lots of information about this cave. Here is the explanations of what we saw and were told about this wonderful heritage.

Caves are large, natural holes beneath the surface of the earth. They are found in areas with a lot of limestone. Rainwater dissolves out limestone and this gradually creates the caves in the depth. The Caves of Stiffe is a spectacular example of these limestone caves where the river Rio Gamberale forms the limestone and reemerges above the ground. A Resurgence Cave; a river comes back to light after a long underground journey.

The Caves of Stiffe is located in the province of L’Aquile in the region of Abruzzo in Italy. It takes its name from the village Stiffe. It has a total length of 2,3 km but the entire area hasn’t been explored yet. Only a very small part of it is open to the public since 1991. In this open area there have been 5 sections. These are;

1-The Hall of Silence

2-The Hall of Waterfall

3-The Hall of Concretions

4-The Black Lake

5-The Last Waterfall

The Hall of Silence is named as Silence because in this section the river dries up for a part of the year and eliminates the rouring sound in the other parts of the cave.The Hall of the Waterfall is a 30 metres high area and it has a 20 metres pounding waterfall. This part of the cave is quiet in summer but impressive in winter when the river floods.The Hall of the Concretions is full of stalactites and stalagmites in the most unique shapes. These shapes are formed from the dripping water and carved out pools, canyons and waterfalls.Tha Black Lake name is given to this fourth part because of its black water and in this section there have been again many interesting formations of stalactites and stalagmites which get joined together in shapes.In tha last part, Last Waterfall, there become a 25 metres long waterfall and its power is so huge that one can not hear another possibly.


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